Saturday, August 29, 2009

D doctor brother

Grocery-ing at nccc wid d family. A saturday thing.

Khole days

Oh da days dat wil live in infamy... Alas we hav recovered and wer able to stand and live. D memory alive yet distant stil makes me smile and for a brief while wanting. Bt nah. Im better now.

Chucks 09

A new pair of chucks symbolizn a fresh start. Life has jus given me a chance to make things better. I never thought time would come dat id say it out loud. bt i wish d last 7 years of my life can jus roll back and wid dat a chance to redo evrything. Dat would make things a lot better. And i can wish all i want now. My closet has other chucks stashed. They are d bones of my delinquent past. Im jus hapi dat i hav a new pair. And dis time itll be gud.


A program for neglected abused and abandoned

Thursday, August 27, 2009


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